in Technology
About me

Creative Explorations in Technology
Some examples:
- A prototype that provides decision-makers with insight into artificial intelligence.
- A workshop that allows employees to experiment with augmented reality.
- A customized interactive installation for a trade fair which draws the attention of visitors.
- A virtual tour of a well-known company.
- A workshop and performance that showws employees the impact of fake news.
- An interactive game show for students that allows them to experience the dangers of traffic distraction.
- A workshop that teaches children about energy consumption by collectively designing a playground that generates its own energy.

My mission: bringing technology closer
The influence that technology has on us as individuals and as a society is my motivation and source of inspiration. Technology is ubiquitous and always present in our lives.
I am convinced that using technology in a creative way is an efficient and fun way to discover new possibilities. My projects and products are therefore focused on researching, experiencing and innovating in collaboration with others. Technology, like creativity, is not the goal itself, but a means to reach that goal. Together we bring new technology closer and turn that technology into a path that leads to new possibilities.
My method: first the goal, than the means
Through a smooth process I establish working prototypes, devices or software that help my clients make substantiated decisions in strategy, concept- and product- development. Due to my wide range of creative, technical and educational skills, technology does not have to be the starting point for me. Together with the client, I can adapt the necessary technology(ies) to the goals and desired applications: first the goals, then the technology.
Thanks to a smart step-by-step process design, prototypes can be evaluated and adjusted along the way. This is how we keep our finger on the pulse in terms of progress.

Process: in collaboration from idea to result
Whether I am approached by clients or initiate the project myself, I always work according to a clearly structured process which is aimed towards collaborative development. Together with the client and project partners we first determine the objectives, framework and desired product and results.
From electric screwdrivers to game technology
I work with a broad range of digital and analog tools and techniques, from software programming to game technology to robotics to electric screwdrivers and wood. Based on the nature of the assignment (product development, education, research, design) and the agreed upon objective, we make the most suitable choice together. Where necessary, I bring multiple disciplines together and therefore work with theater makers, programmers, stage builders, storytellers, architects and many more.
I love exploring and doing
The focus in my work is always the interaction with the user: doing, testing, discovering, experiencing, that is what provides new insights. With this approach I design and develop with and for businesses, governments, social and cultural organizations and many other clients.
Because of my deep curiosity about the relationship between man and technology, I studied Cognitive Science and Engineering. Because I also love to create and collaborate myself, I started producing and developing in the theater scene. Since 2004 I have combined both these fascinations as an independent innovator and inventor. In addition to this, I teach game design at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen two days a week.

Broedplaats De Campagne (Breeding ground The Campaign), a dream in progress
Broedplaats de Campagne is a dream in progress of 10 creative entrepreneurs who are creating their own workplace and workshops at the former Suikerunie site in Groningen. We are building a circular and largely self-sufficient workplace with space for technology, nature, innovation and creativity on this 2400m2 piece of land.
This is where my workplace is currently located and where I will further develop and carry out my projects in the coming years. De Campagne’s extensive network gives me direct access to a wide range of expertise, knowledge, tools and skills. Examples of these: programming knowledge, virtual reality development, aquaponics, circular and sustainable design, video making, 3D design, electronics and theater.